Hundreds of thousands of powerpoint presentations are produced daily, and this program, which was conceived in 1987, remains to be the world’s go-to medium for presentations. However, despite its popularity, creating an awesome powerpoint presentation is not an easy thing to do. It takes a good mix of design skills as well as strategic planning to ensure the best results.
For eCommerce startups, powerpoint presentations are particularly helpful tools that can be used for a variety of things, from pitching business ideas to potential investors, to presenting business updates to stakeholders.
Are you trying to build your own eCommerce powerpoint presentation? Create your own powerpoint template by including these key parts:
Cover Slide
Table of Contents
Graphs and Tables
Thank you slide
To help you out even more, here are 3 great tips from powerpoint design pros:
1. Keep it simple.
Remember, powerpoint presentations are meant to be used as presentation aids. They should only contain enough text to help you remember what you want to say. Don’t treat it like a script you have to read!
2. Be clear.
No one wants to listen to a 2 hour-long presentation. Make sure that your presentation is concise and direct to the point. Simplify and summarize data to make it easier to digest. Otherwise, brace yourself for some snoozing people in your audience.
3. Be visual.
Powerpoint presentations rely heavily on visuals. Make sure you break up your text by using images that will keep your audience engaged. Throw in some animation too, if you want, to further reduce the likelihood of a bored audience.
Bonus tip: If all else fails, use a great powerpoint template!
Do you need the best eCommerce powerpoint template for your business? Here’s a free professional powerpoint template on us. We even designed 31 slides for you to pick and choose from. You’re welcome!
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Need more than just a generic powerpoint design template for your big presentation? Do you need a set of professional powerpoint presentations for your business?
Contact us today and learn how we can build a custom team to take your powerpoint presentations to the next level.