What Are the Top 10 Ecommerce Traffic Generation Strategies?

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November 4, 2022
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Mark Daniel
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What Are the Top 10 Ecommerce Traffic Generation Strategies?
KDCI Outsourcing
September 6, 2023

If you run an online business, you're often at the mercy of your Ecommerce website traffic because you need these leads to convert into sales.But as you have experienced, it's not easy attracting quality web visitors and turning them into repeat customers. This is a common problem among online retailers with new Ecommerce websites. Since their websites have low domain authority, it's challenging to rank on search engines and be visible to relevant customers.To increase the number of potential customers who can see your products online, you must know how to drive traffic to your Ecommerce website and that is by adopting an effective Ecommerce traffic generation strategy. Check out these 10 proven Ecommerce traffic generation strategies you can start implementing today to drive more traffic into your website and generate more leads for your sales funnel!

Proven Ecommerce Traffic Generation Strategies You Can Start Today

1. Optimize your online store for SEO

First on the list of Ecommerce traffic generation strategy is optimization. Consumers all across the world use search engines as part of their decision-making process. More than 90% of consumers use search engines for product research and online shopping. In fact, a significant portion of organic traffic is generated by various search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing. That said, optimizing your Ecommerce site for SEO is crucial to enhance your visibility among your target audience.To make your site visible to search engines, here are some of the best SEO practices you should follow:

  • Target relevant keywords
  • Perform a competitor research
  • Simplify your site architecture
  • Create a responsive web design
  • Improve page loading speed
  • Build backlinks to your website

It's crucial to understand that SEO takes a long time to generate results. Content SEO, page speed, mobile friendliness, backlinks, user experience, domain authority, etc., are all critical considerations. If SEO may sound daunting to you, consider hiring an SEO specialist to help drive customers to your website. This initial step of your Ecommerce traffic generation strategy will help you build an optimized online store.

2. Focus on quality content

Second on the list of Ecommerce traffic generation is the quality content. Get website traffic from search engines by creating valuable content that answers your customer inquiries. Search Engine Results Pages (SERPS) only display content that is relevant to people. If you want to rank on SERPS, provide content that responds to your audience's search intent.If you're an Ecommerce business owner, focus first on improving your product and category pages with the help of an Ecommerce traffic generation strategy. These are your most useful landing pages from a revenue perspective, both for increasing conversions and providing a rich customer experience.It's quite simple to improve your product and category pages. At the very least, you need to write compelling copy for your product titles and meta descriptions. You should also include key product features in bulleted points that focus on how the product benefits the customer.After optimizing your product and category pages, you can start creating strategic content like blogs and product guides. This Ecommerce traffic generation strategy will help you drive traffic to your Ecommerce site, rank in SERPS, and lead prospects to your key conversion pages.Though you can try to do all of these yourself, many choose to hire an Ecommerce content writer to help generate high-volume content that attracts potential customers.

3. Display eye-catching product photos

The main draw that attracts customers to your product on your online store is product images. This is where the third third Ecommerce traffic generation strategy tip comes in. Eye-catching product images readily improve website traffic. When a customer stumbles upon stunning product photos, they are more likely to stick around for the details. To convert prospects into buying customers, your product photos should display relevant information such as size, color, and multiple angles of the product.Customers rely on high-quality product images to decide which product to purchase. Having said that, various factors, like lighting, size, filters, resolution, and more, will significantly affect how marketable your products are. You can read up on the specifics of product photography or hire a product photo editor to help your products stand out from top marketplaces as part of your Ecommerce traffic generation strategy.

4. Post on social media channels

Fourth on the list of Ecommerce traffic generation strategy is building a solid social media channels. According to reports, social media is the primary driver of traffic to Ecommerce websites. Regular social media posting with links to your product pages gives you plenty of opportunities for Ecommerce traffic generation and increasing store conversion rates.You may also leverage paid social ads on platforms such as Facebook and Instagram to drive traffic to your online store. In addition, you can opt to join social media forums like Reddit and find users who may be interested in purchasing from your store.If you sell electronics, for instance, you can consider joining groups like r/gadgets or r/consumerelectronics. You're free to ask questions to learn more about your audience and the issues they face. By engaging with highly niched-down communities, you're not only generating web traffic, but you're also getting great ideas for your blog and social media content.Being active on various social media channels can take so much of your valuable time. To focus on your core business functions, many businesses hire a social media manager as part of their Ecommerce traffic generations strategy to help them generate website traffic through social media engagement.

5. Use email marketing to attract visitors

More than half of the world’s population has access to emails. In fact, 4.26 billion global email users have been reported this year; that number is expected to grow more in succeeding years. If you're not using email for your Ecommerce traffic generation, you're missing out on a huge opportunity.Email marketing can increase visitors to your website. The objective of any email marketing campaign is to persuade users to perform the desired action on your website. While receiving online traffic via emails is excellent, it should also boost your ROI. You can only do this by optimizing your landing pages for conversions or attracting targeted traffic through email sequences.In writing emails for marketing, you should have a target audience in mind with a specific problem you want to resolve. For example, the intent of a welcome email may differ from that of a cart abandonment email. Whatever campaign you decide on, your email support team should tailor your content to your target audience and convey the desired message in a subtle and engaging way.

6. Share videos on your Youtube channel

Sixth on the list of the Ecommerce traffic generation strategy is sharing valuable and qaulity content on your YouTube channel. Posting different types of marketing videos on your YouTube channel does more than engage your audience. You can also use it to drive traffic to your online store with the right Ecommerce traffic generation strategy.You may use the About section on your YouTube channel to tell visitors more about your Ecommerce business. Also, you can use it to briefly describe who you are and why they should care about your business while also including a link to your website. Both the description text and the Links section underneath it can contain links to your product pages.You may also discover plenty of opportunities to link to your website in the comments section. Be sure to reply to comments and questions people give about your video. If you already have content on your website that can best address a commenter's concern, feel free to drop that link.There are more ways to utilize YouTube videos to drive quality traffic to your website. You just need to make sure your video editors produce compelling videos that make prospects click on the provided links.

7. Improve your Ecommerce web design

The days of only using desktops and laptops to browse websites are long gone. Today, 92.1% of online users browse the internet using a mobile phone. If your Ecommerce web design is not responsive to all types of devices, you may drive away a lot of potential customers. In this issue, the 7th Ecommerce traffic generation strategy arises.Page responsiveness is one of the ranking factors Google considers when deciding whether or not to rank a website on SERPs. That said, your website should adopt a responsive design.By having a responsive design, your website will adapt to the browser and screen of the visitor's device. This ensures that the browsing experience is never downgraded for users who reach your website via a desktop or a mobile device. Responsive design also entails having the perfect combination of texts and graphics for greater functionality and user experience.If you want to upgrade your Ecommerce web design, consider working with a professional web designer to help you create, customize, and add eye-catching graphics to your web pages.

8. Incorporate live chat into your website

Today, businesses rely extensively on live chat to communicate with website visitors. Companies that formerly preferred phone customer support and email support are switching to live chat, mainly because there is no waiting time, and it helps with Ecommerce traffic generation.Visitors can use live chats to get prompt answers to their questions by simply entering and submitting a message using a chat button. The live chat inbox is located in the corner of the website, where users can type their questions. When you receive their inquiries, you can send your response immediately, and it reaches the customer in a matter of seconds. As a result, customers will appreciate the prompt response and will increase your repeat purchase rate.Place your live chat beneath the customer's nose to keep them returning to your website. Ensure that your website's chat button is prominently displayed so they can access it immediately. Avoid hiding a live chat link on your website footer or contact page because it will make it less likely for visitors to find your live chat support.You can install live chat software to make this process easier. But it's best to have a live chat support team as part of your Ecommerce traffic generation strategy that can help you have real-time conversations with your customers.

9. Show trust signals on your website

To reassure customers deciding whether to purchase a particular product from a store, businesses display trust signals on websites and at physical points-of-sale in brick-and-mortar shops.Some examples of trust signals you may use as part of your Ecommerce generation strategy on your website are badges, third-party verifications, customer reviews, and testimonials. These trust signals perform the same function—making prospective customers feel confident about doing business with your company.The use and intent of a trust signal may vary depending on your business. For example, if you operate an Ecommerce business, consider signing up for the Verified by Visa program to safeguard credit card transactions. By doing this, you convince your customers that their money is secure and that they will receive what they paid for. As a result, they might come back to your website again, which will grow your website traffic. Once this happens, then your Ecommerce traffic generation strategy effectively materializes.

10. Leverage the power of pay-per-click advertising

Last but not the least Ecommerce traffic generation strategy that you can consider and adopt is leveraging the PPC advertising. Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is an effective Ecommerce traffic generation strategy you should take advantage of. If you've tried all strategies to drive web traffic yet you see zero results; you may opt for PPC to generate targeted traffic more quickly.With PPC, you can purchase an ad position on a search engine results page (SERP). Your advertising can instantly rise to the top of sponsored listings with a strong bid and high-Quality Score, resulting in quick, targeted traffic. The best thing about PPC is that you pay for each click-through rather than just the ad placement. That means you're fully in control of your budget.If it's taking too long for you to climb the organic search rankings, PPC is your best shot. Consider hiring a PPC Specialist in your team as part of your Ecommerce traffic generation strategy to help you implement a campaign for your business that will start driving targeted traffic to your Ecommerce site.

In the bustling office, an Asian outsourcing Ecommerce expert is engrossed in his laptop, meticulously crafting a bespoke traffic generation strategy for his clients, harnessing his expertise to drive their Ecommerce success. With unwavering focus, he demonstrates his unwavering dedication, immersed in the world of data analytics and digital marketing, as he fine-tunes his game-changing strategies within the walls of his office sanctuary.

Hire the Best Ecommerce Experts in the Philippines

Do you need help in coming up  with your Ecommerce traffic generation strategy and start attracting qualified traffic to your online store to increase conversions and sales? Hire a team of professionals in the Philippines highly skilled in Ecommerce traffic generation.KDCI, an Ecommerce outsourcing company in the Philippines, has a roster of Ecommerce experts skilled in the areas of graphic design, web development, digital marketing, and product information management. We help businesses in your industry optimize their Ecommerce website through responsive web design and efficient product data management proven to increase Ecommerce traffic and conversion rates.Click here to learn more about our offshore staffing solutions and start building your Ecommerce offshore team in the Philippines!Contact Us

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