How Can You Improve Web Development with Quality Assurance?

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February 22, 2023
min read
Mark Daniel
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How Can You Improve Web Development with Quality Assurance?
KDCI Outsourcing
September 6, 2023

Quality assurance is essential for the success of any web development project. Whether you're just starting out or already managing a few projects, making sure your web development projects are of the highest quality is key to meeting customer satisfaction and staying ahead of the competition.According to Statista, 60% of customers say website usability is important for them in an online shop. This indicates the importance of quality assurance in web development, as the usability of a website plays a key role in customer satisfaction and retention.In this blog article, we'll look at the basics of quality assurance and how to apply best practices to ensure your projects are of the highest quality. We'll also discuss the tools and techniques you can use to make sure your web development projects meet customer expectations. Read on to learn how to ensure quality in your web development projects.

What is quality assurance in web development?

Quality assurance in web development is the process of ensuring that a website or web application meets the required standards of quality and functionality before it is released to the public. It involves a set of activities and techniques designed to verify that the website or application is free from errors, bugs, and defects.

An image of a Filipino web developer conducting quality assurance on a project.

One way to think of quality assurance in web development is to imagine building a house. Just like a house needs to be built with a solid foundation, sturdy walls, and a functional layout, a website needs to be built with good code, clean design, and user-friendly navigation. Quality assurance is like a final inspection of the house, where all the systems are checked to make sure they work properly, and any necessary adjustments are made before the new owners move in.In web development, quality assurance activities typically include testing the website or application for functionality, performance, usability, security, and compatibility with different browsers and devices. This can involve manual testing by human testers or automated testing using software tools.

Why is quality assurance important in web development?

The goal of quality assurance is to ensure that the website or application meets the expectations of the client, the end-users, and other stakeholders, and delivers a positive user experience. Here are top reasons why it is important in web development:

  1. Quality assurance ensures that the website functions reliably, without errors or glitches, which helps build user trust in the website's performance.
  2. Quality assurance improves the user experience by making sure the website is easy to use, navigate, and understand, meeting the needs of its target audience.
  3. Quality assurance increases customer satisfaction by meeting the requirements of the client and delivering the desired outcomes, making users more likely to return to the website.
  4. Quality assurance saves time and money by identifying and fixing errors and defects early in the development process, which helps avoid costly and time-consuming fixes later.
  5. Quality assurance builds trust and credibility with users by ensuring the website is secure, reliable, and performs as expected, which helps maintain a positive user perception of the website.
  6. Quality assurance increases efficiency by streamlining the development process, reducing the time and effort required to fix errors and defects, and allowing developers to work more efficiently.
  7. Quality assurance ensures compliance with industry standards and regulations, such as accessibility standards and data privacy laws, which helps avoid legal issues and ensures the website is accessible to all users.

How do you perform quality assurance in web development?

The approach to quality assurance in web development will depend on the specific needs and goals of each business. But these are the common steps that web QA specialists follow to ensure that the website is reliable, secure, and user-friendly for end-users:

1. Define quality criteria

First, the quality criteria need to be defined, which includes the requirements, expectations, and standards for the website. This step involves collaborating with the client, stakeholders, and the development team to identify what the website should achieve.

2. Plan the testing process

Next, a testing plan needs to be created, outlining the testing process, scope, and schedule. This involves identifying the types of tests to be conducted, such as functionality, usability, security, and performance, and determining when and how they will be conducted.

3. Conduct functional testing

Functional testing is performed to ensure that the website functions correctly, as intended. This involves testing all the website's features, such as links, forms, buttons, and images, to make sure they work as expected.

4. Perform usability testing

Usability testing is performed to ensure that the website is user-friendly and easy to navigate. This involves testing the website's design, layout, and navigation to identify any areas that may be confusing or difficult to use.

5. Conduct security testing

Security testing is performed to ensure that the website is secure and protected from external threats. This involves testing the website's vulnerability to hacking, malware, and other security risks.

6. Perform performance testing

Performance testing is performed to ensure that the website performs well, without any lag or delays. This involves testing the website's speed, scalability, and responsiveness, to ensure that it can handle high traffic and usage.

7. Identify and report issues

As testing is conducted, any issues or defects that are identified need to be documented and reported. This involves creating detailed reports that describe the issue, the steps to reproduce it, and the expected outcome.

8. Fix and retest

Once issues have been identified, the development team needs to fix them, and the website needs to be retested to ensure that the issues have been resolved.

9. Verify quality criteria

Finally, the website is verified against the quality criteria defined in step one. This involves ensuring that all requirements and expectations have been met, and the website is ready for deployment.

What tools are used for quality assurance in web development?

Here are some common tools used for quality assurance in web development:

  • Browser-based testing tools: These tools allow developers to test the website on different browsers and devices, ensuring that it is compatible and functions correctly across different platforms.
  • Automated testing tools: These tools help automate the testing process, enabling developers to test the website quickly and efficiently, and identify errors and defects early in the development process.
  • Code analysis tools: These tools help identify and correct errors and vulnerabilities in the code, ensuring that the website is secure and reliable.
  • Performance testing tools: These tools help measure the website's performance, such as its speed and scalability, enabling developers to identify areas for improvement and optimize the website's performance.
  • Accessibility testing tools: These tools help ensure that the website is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities, by identifying and correcting any accessibility issues.
  • Bug tracking tools: These tools help developers track and manage issues and defects, ensuring that they are addressed promptly and efficiently.

What are the different types of QA testing used for web development?

Conducting different types of QA testing ensures that the web application is functioning as intended and all features are working correctly. Here are the different types of QA testing you may need to identify and fix any usability issues your website may have:

  • Functional Testing: This type of testing checks that the website works properly and performs its intended tasks, including all features such as links, forms, buttons, and images.
  • Usability Testing: This testing ensures that the website is easy to use and navigate, checking its design, layout, and navigation to identify any areas that may be confusing or difficult to use.
  • Security Testing: This testing is done to make sure that the website is secure and protected from external threats like hacking, malware, and other security risks.
  • Performance Testing: This testing verifies that the website performs well and doesn't have delays, checking its speed, scalability, and responsiveness to ensure that it can handle high traffic and usage.
  • Compatibility Testing: This testing checks that the website works correctly on different browsers, devices, and operating systems, verifying its compatibility with various platforms to ensure that it functions well on all devices.
  • Regression Testing: This testing makes sure that new changes or updates to the website do not negatively affect its existing features and functionality, by retesting the website's existing features and functionality after any changes have been made.
  • Accessibility Testing: This testing ensures that the website is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities, checking the website's compatibility with assistive technologies and verifying that it meets accessibility standards and guidelines.

What are the common mistakes to avoid in performing web quality assurance?

When it comes to performing web quality assurance, there are several common mistakes that you should avoid to ensure that your website is running smoothly and without any issues. Here are some of the most important ones:

  1. Not testing on different browsers and devices: One of the most common mistakes that people make is not testing their website on different browsers and devices. It's important to test your website on various devices, such as mobile phones, tablets, and desktop computers, to ensure that it looks and works the same way across all platforms.
  2. Not testing for accessibility: Accessibility is an important aspect of web design, as it ensures that your website is usable by people with disabilities. You should test your website for accessibility by using screen readers, keyboard-only navigation, and other assistive technologies.
  3. Not testing for performance: Your website's performance is critical to its success, as slow loading times can turn visitors away. Make sure you test your website's load times and overall performance regularly.
  4. Not testing for security: Security is another crucial aspect of web quality assurance. You should test your website for vulnerabilities and implement security measures, such as SSL certificates, to protect your website from attacks.
  5. Not documenting issues: When testing your website, it's important to document any issues that you find. This helps you keep track of what needs to be fixed and ensures that you don't forget anything.

Hire the Top Web QA Specialists in the Philippines

Looking for the top web QA specialists in the Philippines to ensure that your digital platforms function smoothly and are free from issues? Consider KDCI, a leading outsourcing company in the Philippines that offers comprehensive quality assurance services for your website and ecommerce platforms.Our web QA specialists are experts in identifying and testing various aspects of your website, including functionality, usability, performance, responsiveness, cross-browser compatibility, and security. They work closely with your web development team to ensure that all issues are identified and resolved, and that all fixes meet quality standards and adhere to best practices.We offer both manual and automated testing methods to ensure the highest level of accuracy and bug detection. Our team uses the latest software and tools to ensure that your website is running smoothly and is free from any glitches or errors. Plus, we oversee the general maintenance and upkeep of your website to ensure that it is always up-to-date and functioning at its best.Click the button below to start building the perfect extension of your in-house team in the Philippines!Contact Us

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