Pros and Cons of Outsourcing to Developing Countries You Should Know About

Posted on:
January 17, 2023
min read
Mark Daniel
Table of Contents
What are the benefits of outsourcing to developing countries?
What are the challenges of outsourcing to developing countries?
Top 5 Most In-demand Developing Countries for Outsourcing
What are some successful examples of companies that have outsourced to developing countries?
What are the best practices for outsourcing to developing countries?
The Pros and Cons of Outsourcing to Developing Countries
KDCI Outsourcing
September 6, 2023

As you'll see, outsourcing to developing countries can provide a wide range of opportunities for companies. But it also comes with its own set of challenges, which companies need to be aware of before making high-risk decisions.

In this blog article, we'll take a closer look at these opportunities and challenges and provide you with the information you need to make the best decision for your business. We'll also share tips and best practices for companies that are considering outsourcing to developing countries, including how to find and vet reliable partners, how to manage and communicate with remote teams, and how to handle legal and compliance issues.

So, if you're interested in learning more about outsourcing to developing countries, and how it could benefit your business, then read on.

What are the benefits of outsourcing to developing countries?

Outsourcing has become a popular business strategy for companies looking to achieve more business goals while minimizing their overhead costs. Let’s explore the benefits of outsourcing to developing countries in depth, and examine how companies can take advantage of this opportunity.

Lower labor costs

Outsourcing to developing countries can significantly reduce labor costs, as wages and benefits tend to be lower in these countries than in developed countries. This can be a major advantage for companies looking to cut costs and increase profitability.

Access to a larger pool of skilled workers

Developing countries often have a large and growing pool of skilled workers, especially in fields such as IT and engineering. Outsourcing to these countries can give companies access to a larger and more diverse talent pool.

Increased efficiency

Outsourcing certain tasks to developing countries can lead to increased efficiency and productivity, as companies can take advantage of time zone differences and have work done around the clock.

Improved focus on core competencies

By outsourcing non-core business functions, companies can focus on their core competencies and improve their overall competitiveness.

Access to new markets

Outsourcing to developing countries can also give companies access to new markets and customers, as well as a better understanding of local market dynamics.

Government incentives

Some developing countries offer tax breaks and other incentives to companies that outsource to their country, further reducing costs and increasing profitability.

Cultural diversity and global perspective

Outsourcing to developing countries can also expose companies to new cultures, perspectives and ways of thinking, which can lead to new ideas and innovative solutions.

What are the challenges of outsourcing to developing countries?

Before choosing an outsourcing vendor, it's important to understand the challenges that come with outsourcing to developing countries. From language barriers and cultural differences to poor infrastructure and lack of legal protections, outsourcing to developing countries can present a unique set of obstacles that companies must navigate. Let’s tackle these challenges and discuss how companies can overcome them to make the most of their outsourcing efforts.

Language barriers

Communication can be a major challenge when outsourcing to developing countries, as language barriers can lead to misunderstandings and delays. Businesses can overcome this challenge by hiring bilingual employees or by partnering with countries known to have superior English proficiency such as the Philippines and Singapore.

Cultural differences

Outsourcing to developing countries can also present cultural challenges, as businesses may have to navigate different customs, values, and business practices. To overcome this, businesses can provide cultural training for employees or choose a country with a strong affinity for Western culture.

Time zone differences

The time zone difference can also create problems in terms of communication and coordination. Businesses can address this by setting up a clear communication schedule and using tools such as video conferencing to facilitate real-time communication.

Poor infrastructure

Developing countries often have poor infrastructure, which can lead to problems with transportation, communication, and power supply. That said, it’s crucial for a business to work with outsourcing countries that have the necessary resources and infrastructure to support their operations.

Lack of legal protections

Developing countries may have weaker legal protections than developed countries, which can create risks for businesses. Businesses can protect themselves by researching the legal and regulatory environment in the country they plan to outsource to and by working with local legal counsel to navigate any potential risks.

Quality control

Ensuring the quality of the outsourced work can be a challenge, especially when working with unfamiliar partners. Businesses can mitigate this risk by setting clear quality standards, regularly monitoring and evaluating the work of the outsourced team, and building a relationship of trust with their partners.

Top 5 Most In-demand Developing Countries for Outsourcing

More and more companies are looking to outsource non-core business tasks to developing countries. However, with so many options to choose from, it can be difficult to know where to start. Let's take a closer look at the top 5 most in-demand developing countries for outsourcing and what they're known for:


The Philippines is a popular outsourcing destination, particularly for business process outsourcing (BPO) services. It has a large English-speaking population and a strong tradition of customer service, which makes it well-suited for tasks such as customer support and telemarketing. In fact, the country has been dubbed as the world’s call center capital since 2010.


India is known for its large pool of skilled workers, especially in the fields of IT and engineering. India also has a large English-speaking population and a strong legal system, which makes it an attractive destination for businesses. It’s among the best countries to outsource software development.


China is known for its manufacturing capabilities and is a top outsourcing destination for businesses in the manufacturing and electronics sectors. It has a large and skilled workforce and a rapidly developing economy, which makes it an attractive destination for businesses looking to take advantage of low labor costs.


Vietnam is becoming an increasingly promising outsourcing destination, particularly for manufacturing and IT services. It has a large and growing pool of skilled workers, as well as a rapidly developing economy and a favorable business environment.


Mexico is another destination for businesses looking to outsource manufacturing and other labor-intensive tasks. It has a large and growing pool of skilled workers and a well-developed transportation and logistics infrastructure, which makes it an attractive destination for businesses in the automotive and other manufacturing sectors.

What are some successful examples of companies that have outsourced to developing countries?

Developing countries such as India, China, the Philippines, and many others in Southeast Asia, have emerged as popular outsourcing destinations due to their large pool of skilled and educated workers, as well as their relatively lower labor costs. Here are some well-known examples of companies that have outsourced successfully  to developing countries:


Logo of Infosys

Infosys is an Indian multinational corporation that provides business consulting, information technology, software engineering, and outsourcing services. The company has a global presence and has been successful in outsourcing services to clients in developed countries.


Logo of Telstra

Telstra is a telecommunications and technology company based in Australia, providing a wide range of services including mobile, fixed line, internet, and pay television services. The company has been outsourcing some of its business processes to developing countries, specifically in the Philippines. One of the key areas that Telstra has been outsourcing is customer service. The company has set up a large shared service center in the Philippines, which is staffed by customer service representatives who handle calls and inquiries from Telstra's customers in Australia.


Logo of Huawei

Huawei is a Chinese multinational technology company that provides a wide range of products and services, including telecommunications equipment, consumer electronics, and smartphones. The company has been successful in outsourcing manufacturing and assembly to developing countries, particularly in Southeast Asia.


Logo of Foxconn

Foxconn is a Taiwanese multinational electronics contract manufacturing company. It is known for its manufacturing and assembly of electronic devices for other companies, particularly Apple. Foxconn has been successful in outsourcing manufacturing and assembly to developing countries, particularly in China.


Logo of IBM

IBM is a multinational technology company that provides a wide range of products and services. The company has had a presence in the Philippines for over 30 years and currently employs over 12,000 people in the country. They have established a number of shared service centers in the Philippines, which provide services such as finance and accounting, human resources, and supply chain management.

What are the best practices for outsourcing to developing countries?

Outsourcing to developing countries requires a thoughtful approach and a commitment to doing things the right way. Below, we revealed the best practices for outsourcing to developing countries:

  • Conduct thorough research and due diligence on potential partners before entering into any agreements with them. This can include reviewing their financial stability, reputation within the industry, and track record of delivering on their commitments.
  • Establish clear and detailed contracts such as service level agreements and outline the expectations and responsibilities of both parties. This can include provisions for contingencies, such as what will happen if the outsourcing partner experiences financial difficulties or is unable to meet their obligations.
  • Implement regular monitoring and communication with outsourcing partners to ensure that everything is running smoothly. This can include regular performance evaluations, as well as regular check-ins to discuss any potential issues or concerns.
  • Be mindful of the political and economic environment in the country where the outsourcing partner is located. Being aware of any potential risks such as political instability, currency fluctuations, or trade tariffs can help companies better prepare for any potential challenges.
  • Invest in building a long-term relationship with outsourcing partners, rather than constantly switching between different partners. This helps to create a deeper understanding of the outsourcing partner and their capabilities.
  • Establish a strong governance structure for the outsourcing relationship, including a dedicated team that is responsible for managing the relationship with the outsourcing partner..
  • Provide training and support to the outsourcing partner's employees to ensure they have the necessary skills and knowledge to perform the work required.
  • Consider to implement a clear and transparent communication channels to keep open lines of communication between the company and the outsourcing partner.
  • Establish clear metrics to measure the performance of the outsourcing partner, including quality, cost, and delivery targets.

How to find reliable outsourcing partners in developing countries?

Finding reliable outsourcing partners in developing countries can be challenging, but here are some tips from industry experts to help you get started:

  1. Conduct extensive research: Perform extensive research and due diligence on any potential outsourcing partners before entering into any agreements. This may entail analyzing their financial standing, standing in the marketplace, and their previous projects with their clients.
  2. Seek referrals and recommendations: Ask for referrals and recommendations from other companies that have experience outsourcing to developing countries. This can provide valuable insight into the reliability and quality of potential partners.
  3. Look for partners with a proven track record: Prioritize partners who have a proven track record of delivering high-quality services and meeting the needs of their clients. This can be demonstrated through client testimonials and case studies.
  4. Consider the political and economic environment: Be mindful of the political and economic environment in the country where the potential outsourcing partner is located. Being aware of any potential risks such as political instability, currency fluctuations, or trade tariffs can help you better prepare for and navigate any potential challenges.
  5. Communicate and negotiate clearly: Once you have identified a potential partner, communicate your needs and expectations clearly, and negotiate the terms of the agreement. This will help ensure that both parties are on the same page and that the partnership is set up for success.
  6. Establish a trial period: Establish a trial period before committing to a long-term partnership. This will give you the opportunity to test the waters and see how well the partnership is working before making a long-term commitment.

Partner with KDCI and Start Outsourcing to the Philippines

The Philippines has carved its name in the global outsourcing market as the world’s top outsourcing destination. Companies that have outsourced to the Philippines were able to save up to 70% on labor costs. Thanks to the country’s low cost of living and competitive wage rates. If you want to start outsourcing successfully to the Philippines, KDCI is here to help you!

Our company has been in the industry for over ten years. With our industry experience in helping businesses of all sizes scale their operations, we can help you establish your offshore team in the Philippines. We offer scalable staffing solutions from creative design & marketing to ecommerce, customer support, and accounting services.

Are you interested to learn more about outsourcing to the Philippines? Fill out the form to your right or Contact Us to get started!

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